Green Healing Wellness Center represents the changing tide in healthcare today.

We focus on strengthening the inherent ability of the body to achieve and maintain health.

By focusing on health management, rather than disease management, Naturopathic Medicine offers long term health solutions while reducing the possibility of potentially dangerous side effects or complications.

Supporting health builds a more resilient body that inherently becomes less susceptible to the disease process in the future.

At Green Healing Wellness Center we can effectively help you with your current health problems.

In addition, we can also help ensure that you live a healthier, stronger life with increased energy, a better self image and a reduced chance of suffering from many common health concerns.

If you are interested in claiming control of your health and improving your quality of life call Green Healing Wellness Center today to schedule an appointment.

about dr. kevin passero

Dr. Passero is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and graduated from one of only eight accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools in North America. His mission is to bring cutting edge natural and holistic therapies to the Washington DC metro area and to educate people on the value of naturopathic medicine across the country.

His practice focuses on an individualized approach to medicine. His goal is to help people uncover the answers as to why their body is in distress and find the solutions necessary to restore optimal health.

Dr. Passero completed four years of post-graduate naturopathic medical education at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) in Portland, Oregon after receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Biology from the University of Colorado.

He is a former President of the Maryland Naturopathic Doctors Association and is an active member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.