Are You Getting Enough Magnesium?
Magnesium is a vitally important mineral that is used for over 300 reactions in the…
Your body has an inherent ability to heal and maintain health. We work with you to identify the root cause(s) of an imbalance and guide your body back into balance. Our approach is highly individualized and rooted in the biological principles of the natural world.
Our passion is your health, and our mission is to provide you with the guidance, care and education necessary to achieve it. Our unique Pathway to Health system draws on diagnostic testing and powerful natural therapies to create a sustainable, individualized care plan just for you.
We created IHI to empower our members to live a healthy, vital life through education, inspiration, and community at an affordable price. Let us help you solve and prevent the health challenges that keep you from living your best life.
Good health means having the energy, vitality, clarity and resilience you need to adapt to change, handle challenges and enjoy life to its fullest.
Working under the guiding principle that health conditions are an expression of imbalance in the body, we strive to identify the root cause and guide the body back to a more balanced state.
Our approach to healing is highly individualized and rooted in the biological principles of the natural world.
At Green Healing Wellness, we have created an innovative, patient-centered model of care that not only identifies and treats underlying causes, but also provides a comprehensive system of support, customization and accountability.
These key tools are necessary to achieving any major goal in life, and healing is no exception.
Dr. Kevin Passero is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. His mission is to bring cutting edge natural and holistic therapies to the Washington, D.C. metro area and to educate people on the value of naturopathic medicine across the country.
His practice focuses on an individualized approach to medicine. His goal is to help people uncover the answers as to why their body is in distress and find the solutions necessary to restore optimal health.
The fundamentals of health are established every minute of every day by the choices we make and interactions we have with our environment. From the food we eat, the water we drink and the products we put on our skin to our sleep, movement, stress level, mindset and relationships—our health is influenced by our daily habits.
Research in the field of genetics has demonstrated how impactful our daily habits can be in influencing the expression of our genes—and ultimately our state of health. Cancer genes, weight gain genes, and inflammatory genes all get turned on and off every day depending on how we are living our lives.
Acknowledging these concepts of genetics deepens our understanding of human health in the context of lifestyle and environment and sheds new light on why the body may be expressing a disease. It also validates our ability to create deep and profound changes in our health utilizing noninvasive natural therapies and simple nutrition and lifestyle shifts. It moves us past reliance on superficial approaches that focus on symptom suppression and allows for the resolution of disease through true healing.
Founded upon a holistic philosophy, naturopathic medicine combines safe and effective traditional therapies with the most current advances in modern medicine. Naturopathic medicine is appropriate for the management of a broad range of health conditions affecting all people of all ages.
Green Healing Patients
Green Healing Patients
Are you concerned about the side effects associated with long-term use of commonly prescribed medications?
Defined by a 19th century physician as a complete revolution in the art and science of living, Nature Cure is a philosophy of healing that explores how human health and the natural world relate to each other. It emphasizes a focus on natural therapies that support the innate biological processes in the body associated with healthy cell function, rather than implementing potentially toxic pharmaceutical therapies solely aimed at symptom suppression.
For example, Nature Cure includes practices such as eating a diet of minimally processed foods rich in vegetables and fruits, reducing exposure to harmful chemicals, and supporting the organs of detoxification to prevent the buildup of waste in the cells, regular exercise, and spending ample time in nature with exposure to fresh air and natural light.
Decades of research have clearly shown that these basic Nature Cure principles (diet, exercise, stress reduction) are the most powerful tools in reducing the risk of the most common diseases we face in the developed world today, including heart disease, cancer, dementia, stroke and diabetes.
At Green Healing Wellness, we believe that nature holds many of the answers to health and vitality. We strive to provide naturally-based health solutions using therapies that fundamentally create and build health rather than focus on only fighting the disease symptoms.
Confused about what to eat? Tired of trying new diets? Learn which foods, in which combinations are right for your body.
The food we eat is often the most important factor in determining our state of health. The vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and phytonutrients we get from our food are as important to our body as the air we breathe. These nutrients serve as the building blocks of life and form a vital blueprint directing the function of our cells.
Your diet is also the single biggest factor that determines how much inflammation you have in your body. And while extensive research has shown that inflammation is at the root of most diseases we face in modern society, the role diet plays in controlling inflammation is seldom discussed in the context of conventional medicine and nutrition.
Depending on factors like your unique physiology and your environment, certain foods can either fuel or extinguish inflammation. And no other information about your body will be as impactful to your overall health and longevity as understanding your individual inflammatory triggers from food.
At Green Healing Wellness, we have developed a unique approach to helping you analyze which foods reduce inflammation and which foods promote inflammation in your body. This approach has helped many of our patients achieve profound health improvements.
This is one of the most common questions we hear from frustrated clients when they walk in our door. They have been to primary care doctors and specialists, had extensive tests done, and been told repeatedly that everything is normal, yet they still feel unwell.
How can it be that someone suffering everyday with sometimes severe symptoms can have completely normal lab tests? The answer is that many conditions of the body that cause suffering are a result of a dysfunction that is not characterized as—or that has not progressed to—a full-blown disease. Because traditional lab testing and imaging are designed to look for disease states, dysfunction often gets missed.
The field of Naturopathic and Functional Medicine has been pioneering testing methodologies that identify microbiome imbalances, chronic infections, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies and sensitivities, toxin exposure and many other factors responsible for common conditions that are often overlooked. These tests can screen for subtle imbalances that often occur along with or in the absence of disease and by correcting these imbalances we support the natural ability of the body to normalize function and resolve symptoms.
At Green Healing Wellness, we focus heavily on diagnostic testing—which is often intentionally different than what is done in a conventional medical setting—in combination with a detailed clinical history at the beginning of your care. These are critical steps in the development of a complete roadmap for your individual healing journey that helps ensure your treatment will be successful in guiding you back to health.
It is true what they say; no two people are the same, and at Green Healing Wellness we believe that your care should be reflective of that.
Our experience has demonstrated that even if people have the same clinical diagnosis, they often need totally different approaches to care.
We strive to guide you to an enjoyable, sustainable lifestyle that supports your health and wellness goals, instead of just giving out diet modifications.
We want you to embrace the care plan we provide, so you stay committed to the tools necessary to support your health for many years to come.
We take into account your likes and dislikes, cooking abilities, work and travel schedules, family obligations, emotional eating habits, access to grocery stores, budget, and other unique factors to ensure your long-term success.
While our team has worked hard to develop basic guidelines and principles, there is no cookie cutter approach in our model of care. We treat each client as a unique individual.
We believe that this is what it takes to truly help you heal at the deepest of levels and gain the tools necessary to maintain your health and wellness for a lifetime.
Compassion has always gone hand in hand with medicine. It’s a modern phenomenon that doctors’ offices and hospitals no longer feel like places that offer much in the way of compassionate, patient-centered care. These days, doctor’s visits often feel more like renewing your driver’s license at the DMV than a supportive healing experience infused with compassion. It is truly a fall from grace from where medicine started.
If you ask most doctors why they got into medicine, they will most likely tell you it was because somewhere deep in their heart they truly desired to help and care for people in a meaningful way. Now that medicine is primarily run by insurance companies, doctors are forced to work in circumstances where productivity, efficiency, time management, and financial bottom lines are prioritized far above compassionate care.
At Green Healing Wellness, compassion is at the heart of everything we do. We believe this fundamental guiding principle is a critical component of helping people heal in a modern world where we are more disconnected than ever, more divided than ever, and feel more alone and dissatisfied than ever. While we all may have different beliefs, we believe strongly that anyone suffering in health who seeks our support deserves compassion and care when they walk in our door. We stand strong in our belief that compassion is a critical part of medicine and plays an immeasurable role in helping people recover their health.
Love is the emotion of our heart and stands as one of the most powerful of all human emotions. At Green Healing Wellness, we believe that love also plays a critical role in our work with people. When we say we love the people we work with, we are not implying we love them the same way we love our children, spouses, pets and family members. What we are saying is that every day we set an intention in our hearts to offer love to the people that seek our help and guidance.
We believe that in order to offer our clients truly compassionate care, there must be love in our hearts for the work we are blessed to be able to do and the people we are blessed to be able to help.
Magnesium is a vitally important mineral that is used for over 300 reactions in the…
Preventing and reversing heart disease is a major passion of mine and I am always…
Dr. Kevin Passero In my last blog, How Sleep Impacts Cholesterol Levels, I reviewed some…
Dr. Kevin Passero Balancing cholesterol levels and improving heart heath, without drugs, is one of…
Sleep is one of the most important cornerstones of health. Poor sleep patterns contribute to…
This month’s theme has been all about longevity and in my last blog post I…
Dr. Kevin Passero We all want to age well. In fact, aging should not be…
Facing our mortality is one of the scariest parts of being alive. And not only…
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